Recruitment and HR

Three tools to support your challenges of attracting qualified talent, engaging passive candidates, and retaining employees.

Trusted by leading global brands

#1 Leverage Your Network for Quality Referrals

Community-Driven Candidate Sourcing

Our platform steps up candidate sourcing by tapping into your existing network of placed candidates, employees, and contractors. 

Automated Alerts for New Opportunities

Trigger immediate notifications within your network for new job openings, ensuring rapid response and engagement.

Transparent Referral Process

Maintain clarity on referral origins and success fees, fostering a trust-based environment for your community.

Gamified Engagement

Motivate your network through gamification, enhancing participation and referral quality.

#2 Quests and Rewards for a Vibrant Work Culture

Workplace Wellness and Brand Engagement

Promote a healthy workplace and deepen brand engagement through custom quests that reward employees and contractors for their contributions to your company's goals, including social and environmental initiatives.

Personalized Quests for Well-being

Implement quests focused on well-being and workplace satisfaction, encouraging a balanced and healthy work environment.

Support for Social and Environmental Causes

Engage your workforce in your brand’s social and environmental efforts, aligning employee activities with your corporate values.

Custom Rewards Program

Utilize our Rewards Wallet to offer bespoke rewards for quest completion, ranging from vouchers to unique experiences, enhancing employee satisfaction and loyalty.

#3 Branded App for Easy Access to Rewards and Micro-Payments

Streamlined Rewards and Payments Services

Our fully customizable app provides a seamless interface for employees, placed candidates, and contractors to track their points, rewards, and payments, facilitating micro-payments with minimal transaction fees and global reach.

Book a call

Streamline your recruitment and HR process. Book a call to explore how our tools can help you find and engage talent effectively.