Create your first NFT for free in under 5 minutes
Create your free account
If you don't have one already, create an account on The Blue Marble.
After logging in you'll be asked to verify your email address, check your email and spam folder - the mail should arrive in under 5 minutes.
Create an NFT
Select "Create NFT" in the top navigation.
1. Main details of your NFT
There is one form for you to complete to create your NFT. Notice there are not many required fields, so feel free to create a simple NFT and learn about other options later on.
- Upload your main file for the NFT. If you upload a non-visual file such as a PDF, you'll be asked for the cover image which will be used as the visual display for your NFT.
- If you are interested in learning more about Unlockable Content, read this knowledge base article.
- The short name is the "asset" name - typically it should be upper case such as TBMNFT1.
- The external link is optional but provides a "Read more" link on the NFT details pager. Use this to direct visitors to a place you manage that gives them more detail on your NFT.
- The Description is an important area that supports markdown if you want to add formatting such as headers, links and bullet points.
2. Maximum supply
The Maximum Supply is the total number that will be issued of this NFT:
- Issuance = 1 - this is the default, and is the "classic" NFT in which there is only one issuance. It means whoever owns this NFT has exclusive ownership of this asset.
- Issuance > 1 - this is a "fractionalised" NFT. For example, if we create an NFT with a total supply of 100, 100 people can buy 1/100th of the NFT. Each purchase is effectively 1% ownership of the NFT. This can work with any integer number you choose.
3. Royalties and payments
The Royalties and Payments area let's you define:
- The percentage of secondary sale that you as the Creator would like to receive. For example, if you add "5%", this means you will receive a 5% share of any future trades after you sell the NFT during the Primary Sale (Note, the Primary Sale refers to the first time you sell your NFT to a buyer).
- A share of Revenue to an environmental or social campaign you would like to support. To find campaigns to support, click the link to view a popup of features campaign or talk to us for additional help.
To provide an example in the screen below, we have selected the "OvaryIt" campaign to support - which gives us new options:
You can opt to provide 100% of the Primary Sale proceedings to the campaign - that is, ALL of the revenue that would come to you as the Creator will instead be sent to the campaign owner.
If you do not give 100% to the campaign then you can decide the percentage of the Primary and Secondary sale revenue to be sent to the campaign.
For example, if you add 10% in the Primary Sale and 5% in the Secondary Sale - 10% of the first sale will support the campaign, and 5% will be shared with the campaign on all future trades of the NFT.
4. Primary sale of your NFT
- Define the asking price in USDC (this is the US dollar stable coin from
5. Save draft or publish
- "Save to my profile" stores your NFT in draft. You can return and edit it later.
- "Publish to the marketplace" takes you to the next step to confirm and publish your NFT. Once your NFT has been published it cannot be altered.
Distribution and sale of your NFTs
With your Primary Sale now live, you have three options:
- Send NFTs as gifts (Read the knowledge base article here) - clicking this button allows you to send your NFT to anyone with an email address. They will receive an email with a link for them to either sign up for an account with the NFT inside the wallet, or to add it to their existing TBM account. There is nothing for you to do, we manage the onboarding of your users when you gift your NFTs.
- Buy now - this takes the visitor to a standard ecommerce checkout experience to purchase your NFT
- Close primary sale - if you click this, the Primary Sale will be closed. The supply will be fixed at whatever level you close at - for example, if you launched your Primary Sale with a Supply of 100 but close after 20 have been gifted or sold - your NFT will have 20/20 issued, and this can never be altered. With the Primary Sale closed, the buyers of your NFT may now sell them as "Secondary sales".
The process of creating NFTs on The Blue Marble is really easy - but should you require assistance, we are here to help.

Automate using Zapier
Send NFTs using your existing applications and ecommerce platforms with our Zapier integration