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Automating sending NFTs as gifts using Zapier.

Step 1

Getting started

The Blue Marble integration with Zapier allows you to send NFTs automatically from over 5000 applications, allowing you to add NFTs to your existing workflows with ease.

This document will show you how to connect your Zapier account to your TBM account and send an NFT to an email address as a gift.

Before you start, make sure you have created an NFT with an open Primary Sale, and have signed up for a Zapier account.

What you'll need before you start

Step 2

Connecting your account & authenticating

First, make sure you are logged in to your Zapier account. Search for our integration "The Blue Marble".

The integration provides you with one action - Send NFT. You can find the home page for our Zapier integration here.

Next you'll choose the Event for the Action which is "Send NFT":

If you have connected TBM to Zapier before, you will already have an account to connect - otherwise you will need to click "Connect a new account" which will show you the Authentication Popup:

To get your API, login to your TBM account - click your profile in the top right, and navigate to "Integrations & API".

Here you will find your API User ID and API key:

Copy/paste into the Zapier Authentication popup and click "Yes, continue". You should now have your TBM account connected to Zapier:


Step 3

Setting up the Zapier action

The action asks you for three pieces of information:

1. NFT Hash

The NFT hash refers to the hash value you will find in the URL of the NFT you created.

Using this NFT as an example, if you check the URL of the NFT, the value to add as the NFT Hash is "042bc424f03c1977444f051b474e5bad" - i.e. everything to the right of /nft_assets/ in the URL.

2. Email address

This is the email address of the person you are sending the NFT to as a gift.

3. Quantity 

This is non-required and defaults to "1" - and is the amount of NFT units (supply) you will send the recipient.

You will be asked by Zapier to complete their standard tests to make sure it all works. Any problems, talk to us.

Find out how easy claiming NFTs can be

Grab a free NFT

We've worked hard to make it easy for anyone to claim an NFT with zero Web3 knowledge. Let us email you a free NFT for you to claim so you can experience it first hand.

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